Last year, HOG members logged in over 3 million miles. This year, we rode almost 4.4 million miles. Corrie and I started out with six other club members, and rode South on highway 49 to Angels Camp. There, the rest of the group turned off to go up over Sonora Pass, and back to Truckee, Ca. and home.
Corrie and I continued South of Hwy 49 to Coulterville, Ca. then West on 132 to Modesto, North on 99 to Sacramento, East on 80 to Hwy 49, which we took North to get back home to Grass Valley. We each logged some 348 miles on what, so far, was the hottest day of the year. We started out at 68 degrees, but by the time we got to Coulterville, it was well over 100, and in the central valley, riding back on the hot pavement, I got readings up to 117 degrees. By then, we were stopping about every 30 miles to wet down, and suck up Gatorade and water.
At some point, the ride stopped being fun, and became more about survival. I had long since sweated off the sunscreen, and would have ridden naked if it had been legal. Now, there's a sunburn you wouldn't soon forget. I took all the stuff out of my pockets, stashed it in the saddlebags, and poured water down my chest, back, and into my pockets. I wet my hair, even tho I had to wear a helmet. In 30 miles, we were bone dry. Hot. Thirsty. Tired. Sunburned. Homesick.
I can't wait to do it all over again next year. Next year, we will ride a cooler route, up thru the mountains.
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