We flew from Sacramento, to Dallas, to London, and left on the ship from Harwich. We went to Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn(Estonia), Oslo, and back to Harwich.
Heathrow to Dallas to Sacramento and home.
Working on a cruise ship is hard work, with long hours. But if you want to see the world, what a great way to do it. When you get older, travel becomes more difficult. Jeanne was just six weeks out of knee surgery, in some pain, but determined to get around, with or without the help of a cane. On some of the tours, we lagged behind a bit, but she never complained. What a trooper. All the walking seemed to help, actually. Gettin' old ain't fer sissies.
You can see all the pictures on my Picasa web album here: http://picasaweb.google.com/cyberfish2/JewelOfTheSeasCruise#