We occasionally house-sit for friends in Kona, Hawaii. Take care of the dog and cat, fix stuff around the house, do a little yard work. Their cat, Bandit, is not a people cat, will swat you, or hiss if you try to pet him, altho he has mellowed some in recent years. When we came home in July 1999, we said we would never have a cat. Besides, I'm somewhat allergic. The next morning, this pathetic, starved, injured kitten crawled out from under our car. My wife said we had to take it to the pound. I said nobody would adopt it in such bad condition. Sooo, she went from a carpeted box on the front porch, to the vet to be neutered, to the garage, to confinement in the laundry room when it turned cooler. Now, Shadow sleeps on the foot of the bed, and I use Nasonex to keep my nose clear. I never knew anyone could get so attached to a cat. If my doctor said get rid of the cat, I'd have to get another doctor. She is ten years old now, and still a joy to have around. We keep her in at night because of all the critters-coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, and the occasional bear or mountain lion. Joey is fated to be an indoor cat; they live longer and stay cleaner. Joey has not figured out how to purr without drooling. He sings, loudly, for his dinner. To hear him, you would think he had not eaten for days.